Not that I am an “expert”, but…  As I approach my diamond anniversary in the industry, IMHO AI is neither “A” nor “I”.  The immensity of the algorithms used by the current peddlers of “AI” completely discount the “A”, and the results, while entertaining, thus far, disavow the “I”.  “Intelligence” is creating a wheel when noticing …

Big Oil

A Facebook Memory from 2014 Mine eyes have seen the glory and the power of Big Oil.It is trampling out the farmlands and poisoning the soil.It has loosed the rabid rantings, brought the Tea folks to a boil.Oil’s wealth is marching on. (Chorus)Glory, glory Exxon-Mobil,Glory glory Shell and Suncor,Glory glory British Petrol.Oil’s wealth is marching …


Education, far more than opposable thumbs or tool use, distinguishes us from the majority of the creatures around us. We don’t simply show our offspring what we know instinctively or learned. We teach each other and we teach the offspring of others. Not just other families, but other tribes. More importantly we use specialists. Knowledge …

Casting out

Matthew 5:29 in the New King James Version of the Bible reads: “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.” For most of my …

Owner’s Manuals

There’s a meme going ’round suggesting that 50 years ago automobile owner’s manuals told you how to adjust valves while today they tell you not to drink the battery acid. Funny, and it’s one way to point out that instructions today are more a collection of cover-your-ass legal messages than actual instructions. My personal favourite …

Hello world!

To all to whom these presents come: Greetings! Herein shall be ramblings of the partially lucid. There is but one caution we must place: Nothing is “official” in any way, shape, or form, and much may be untrue and/or opinion. Enjoy! With respect to those who would enter their own advertisements in the comments, don’t …